What is artificial intelligence-driven hospitality? Connectome CEO Atsushi Ishii speaks at the "Future Fitness Conference" in London

Can AI be utilized to generate hospitality? Atsushi Ishii, President of Couger Inc., gave a keynote speech at the near future Fitness Conference kept by the London International Meeting Centre (MIA). This conference is aimed at hotel companies, such as hotels and event organizers, whose business revolves around customer experience. The concept of the meeting is "Just how do humans react to evolving technology". In this meeting, Atsushi Ishii has been invited among the seven guest audio speakers. Automation brought by artificial cleverness will redefine hospitality Human-like AI, virtual avatars along with other new technology are creating disruptive adjustments in the complete hotel field. A good example of the potential of the technology can be found in retail by means of unmanned stores, such as Amazon Go. In Amazon Go Stores, AI-enabled machines 24 hours per day are designed to reduce human mistake and labor costs. The breakthrough mechanism can reduce the waiting time and...